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Excluding commemorative coins, the only real people on US circulating coins who did not serve as president were Susan B Anthony and Sacagewea on the obverse of dollar coins, Ben Franklin on the half dollar (1948-63), as well as several notables on the reverses of various state quarters (Helen Keller, King Kamehameha, etc.).

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12y ago

US $1 bills have carried a portrait of George Washington for over a century. If you're referring to any denomination of current US paper money, there are two:

$10 bills carry a picture of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury

$100 bills have a portrait of statesman, inventor, and philosopher Benjamin Franklin.

Of historic note ...

Early $500 bills had a portrait of Chief Justice John Marshall


Early $10,000 bils had a portrait of Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury during the Civil War

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13y ago

Actually there were two non-presidents. Hamilton is one of two non-presidents featured on currently issued $10 bills. The other is Benjamin Franklin, on the $100 bill.

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Alexander Hamilton, the first US Secretary of the Treasury

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Benjamin Franklin, on the $100 bill

Alexander Hamilton, on the $10 bill

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Q: Who is the only non president to be on a dollar bill in the US?
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Is Benjamin Franklin the only non-president on U.S. currency?

No - Alexander Hamilton is on the 10-dollar bill.

Why does the hundred dollar bill have a non president on it?

Benjamin Franklin

What president appears on a ten dollar bill?

On the American 10 dollar bill, there is Alexander Hamilton, who is one of the non presidents on the dollar bills.Did you know who was the first president in the United Sates?

Do all paper notes in the US have a president on them?

The ten dollar bill bears the portrait of Alexander Hamilton, a non-president. The 100 dollar bill carries a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, also not a president.

Was Benjamin Franklin the only non president on bills?

No, Alexander Hamilton is on the 10 dollar bill, and Salmon P. Chase is on the 10,000 dollar bill. Although the 10,000 dollar bill is not usually seen in circulation, it is legal tender. See the related question for more information. The sad thing is that Hamilton probably would have become president had he not been killed by Aaron Burr.

Is Hamilton the only non president on U.S. money?

No. Ben Franklin is on the $100 bill

What us paper currency has non presidents on them?

The 100 dollar bill has Ben Franklin on it and he wasn't a president, and the 10 dollar bill shows the first USA Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who was NOT a president. *also, the 1918 $500 dollar bill featured Chief Justice John Marshall, who never became the President The $10,000 bill, while no longer available after 1969, is still U.S. Legal Tender and features the visage of Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase. Chase was Lincoln's Treasury Secretary during the American Civil War. Though he made several bids for President, he was never successful.

Do explain 1000000 united state dollar note?

The one million dollar bill is a novelty or fantasy note produced by private parties. No one million dollar bill was ever issued by the U.S. Treasury or the Federal Reserve. The largest bill ever produced in the U.S. was the non-circulating $100,000 note. Used strictly for bank to bank exchange. (Woodrow Wilson is the President on the $100,000 bill.)

How many times can president return a non money bill?

There is no limit on the number of times a president can return a non-money bill. The president can use their veto power to return a bill to Congress as many times as they see fit until an agreement or compromise is reached or the bill fails to pass.

What is a non example of sovereignty?

Vetoing a bill, power given to the president

What is grover Cleveland most well known for?

First president to run 2 non-consecutive term, First to get married inside the white house, he concided with the Panic of 1893 which is a major economic reccession. he known for vetoing, being on the 1000 dollar bill. There is more but this is all i can get off my mind at this moment.

Is a dollar bill an insulator or a conductor?

A dollar bill is an insulator. It does not conduct electricity well because it is made of paper, which is a non-conductive material.