The house chooses the speaker of the house
The lower house of Congress is called the House of Representatives. Although, the United States does not really use terms like that.
House of Representatives
Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
House of Representatives :)
The Reapportionment Act of 1929
The house chooses the speaker of the house
In order to be a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the individual must be at least 25-years-old.
In order to be a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the individual must be at least 25-years-old.
In order to be a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the individual must be at least 25-years-old.
to choose a speaker of the house
Elect leaders.
Elect leaders.
speaker of the house The SpeAker of the House keeps order in the Chamber. The person responsible for keeping order and dealing with offenders/transgressors in the Palace of Westminster (Parliament as a whole) is the Sergeant at Arms.
speaker of the house The SpeAker of the House keeps order in the Chamber. The person responsible for keeping order and dealing with offenders/transgressors in the Palace of Westminster (Parliament as a whole) is the Sergeant at Arms.
The number of representative in the U.S. House of Representatives is fixed at 435.