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Q: Who made the first medicine?
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Where was medicine first made?


Who first made medicine?

robert bartlenn

What was the first medicine made up of?

plants and flowers

Who had the first medicine balls made for his patient?

Greek physician Hippocrates

Who made medicine in the first century?

Medicine in the first century was not available as a treatment option. In most cases treatment was administered using a tree branch and several forceful blows.

When was the first medicine made?

The first medication was made some time in colonial times, though an exact date or year is unknown because of the time of year it was.

What medicine was made by max theiler?

What medicine was made by max theiler?

Who first made a medicine for polio?

Jonas Salk developed a polio vaccine in the nineteen sixties.

How do doctors invent medicines?

Doctors invent medicine by first trying to find the disease or sickness weakness. Or some made some medicine by accident or by testing different ingredients together. Acually most medicine made long ago wasn't what it they wanted it to be or cure!!

What was medicine made out of in ancient Egypt?

in ancient egypt, medicine was made out of mummies.

What kind of medicine is used for smallpox?

There is no effective medicine. A vaccine is used to prevent it. Jenner made the first ever vaccine for smallpox!

What is huoyan-fire medicine?

Huoyan-fire medicine is medicine that is made from boiling herbs and spices.