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Q: Who made the virgina plan?
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Related questions

Who proposed the virgina plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed the Virgina Plan.

What two plans of government did the the delegates consider?

the New Jersey plan and the virgina plan

This document proposed that Congress could force a state to obey a national law.?

Virginia plan

Why is it important to have the same number of senators for each state?

Because when the Constitution was being made there were two plans being put out, the Virgina plan and the New Jersey plan. The Virgina plan wanted there to be everything by population, and the New Jersey plan wanted everything equal by state, so they had to come up with the Great Compromise which stated that the House of Representatives would be by population for the Virgina plan, and the Senate would be equal by state for the New Jersey plan.

How was virgina plan and New Jersey plan alike?

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What is the Virginia Plan and who supported it?

did Maryland support the virgina plan in 1787

Who drafted the Virgina Plan?

James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan.

The Virginia Plan was largely the work of?

the virgina plan was lhe work of

Who introduced the virgina plan?

Edmund Randolph

What plan suggested a two-house legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

What was the New Jersey plan porposed by William Paterson?

countered virgina plan

Which plan called for two houses with representation based on population?

The Virgina Plan