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James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan.

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Q: Who drafted the Virgina Plan?
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What did the Virgina plan argue for?

The Virginia Plan was created in May of 1787. This plan argued for the need in the U.S. for a bicameral legislative branch.

Who wrote Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

What is the Virgina Plan?

it was the plan to make virgina a state---- This Is wrong the right anser is ---- A proposal that seats in Congress be awarded on the basis of the state's population. The Virginia plan is Large states thought that the Congress should have two houses and the number of delegates each state had in each house should be based on the states' populations.

When and where was the US Constitution first drafted?

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia, PA drafted the United States Constitution. Three plans were presented to the delegates--the New Jersey Plan, the Virginia Plan, and Hamilton's Plan. The delegates finally accepted what came to be known as "The Great Compromise" which took parts from the New Jersey and Virginia plans. The delegates realized that compromise agreements would be necessary if they were to draft a new constitution for the nation. On Monday, August 6, 1787, the convention accepted the first draft of the Constitution. MrV

Where is the Biltmore House located?
