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it was the plan to make virgina a state----

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A proposal that seats in Congress be awarded on the basis of the state's population.

The Virginia plan is

Large states thought that the Congress should have two houses and the number of delegates each state had in each house should be based on the states' populations.

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15y ago
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12y ago

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The first general plan for the Constitution offered in Philadelphia. Its key points were a bicameral legislature, and an executive and a judiciary chosen by the national legislature.

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13y ago

A Virgina Plan is a plan proposed by Edmund Randolph, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, that proposed a governemnt with three branches and a two-house legislature in which representation would be based on a state's population or wealth.

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10y ago

The Virginia Plan proposed a bicameral Congress and set forth the idea of having part of Congress represent the people by population. Previously, every state had one vote regardless of size.

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9y ago

The Virginia Plan was a proposal by the delegates of Virginia for a bicameral legislative branch.

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13y ago

A small table for your balcony that has an umbrella may be your best bet. You may also want to consider installing an awning that extends from your home over your balcony.

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I have no clue.

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Q: What is the Virgina Plan?
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the virgina plan was lhe work of

Who introduced the virgina plan?

Edmund Randolph

Who made the virgina plan?

James Madison

What plan suggested a two-house legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

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Which plan called for two houses with representation based on population?

The Virgina Plan