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That would depend on your definition. The general voting public can pick people to represent their interests as legislators (people who make laws) and executive officers (the people at the top overseeing everything), on the local, state, and national level. Those people are given further power by the voters to appoint judges to interpret the law and establish government agencies to regulate other aspects of our country's society. So in essence, everybody from the lowliest voter to the President of the United States has some kind of say in government.

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An elected legisture, shouldn't you know this? We learned it in Social Studies and took notes on it ( in 7th grade )

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Q: Who makes the important decisions in an autocracy?
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Who makes most of the important government decisions in an autocracy?

central goverment

Who makes most of the important decisions in an autocracy?

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Who makes most of the decisions in an autocracy?

lord devil fatback

Who makes the important government decisions in an autocracy?

In an autocracy, the important government decisions are made by a single ruler or a small group of individuals who hold absolute power. This can be a dictator, monarch, or a ruling party. The decision-making process is centralized and does not involve public participation or checks and balances typically found in democratic systems.

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The group of elders make the important decisions

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An oligarchy is rule by a few. This few make all the decisions, probably for selfish reasons.

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The autocratic method is a decision-making approach where a single individual, such as a leader or manager, makes decisions without significant input or feedback from others. This style can lead to quick decisions but may result in lack of employee engagement and creativity.

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How are decisions made in a Cree reserve?

The Band, mainly the Chief, makes all important decisions based on family, tribal politics, and profit.

How are Inuit villages governed?

They govern themselves. It is similar to an autocracy. There are village elders and leaders who make decisions regarding the village they live in.