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They are paid by the United States government, and their salary is set by the law.

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āˆ™ 10y ago
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āˆ™ 9y ago

The U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Personnel Management. They handle all Federal Government wages. The checks are signed by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management.

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āˆ™ 12y ago

The representatives and senate are paid by the United States Government, and their salaries are set by law.

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Related questions

Who pays senators and representatives?

All members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are paid in full by the U.S. Treasury, which ultimately gets its money from the tax payers.

Who pays the senators and representatives?

the us government and their salary is set by the law

What pays the salary of the senators and the representatives?

The taxes taken from the populace and revenue from elsewhere which the government accrues.

What do Representatives and Senators represent?

free postage-free airline tickets-pay no income tax-excessive salaries.

Who pays for elections of senators?

Senators are not "elected", as such, they are appointed. So no one pays for their elections. Their salaries and other expenses are paid out of the general tax funds. However, this answer is going to come as a surprise to voters, as they do have elections every 6 years.

Who pays for election of us senators?

Senators are not "elected", as such, they are appointed. So no one pays for their elections. Their salaries and other expenses are paid out of the general tax funds. However, this answer is going to come as a surprise to voters, as they do have elections every 6 years.

What does the twenty seventh amendment say about the salaries of senators and representives?

The actual text is... "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened." In simple terms - it means that no laws concerning the pay of senators & representatives can be enforced before the next general election.

Who sets the senators and representatives salaries?

Taxpayers in the United States determine the salary of all people who work in the government.

What are the salaries of senators?


Who elects senators and representatives?

how are senators and representatives elected

How many Senators and representatives does Florida have?

2 Senators and 25 Representatives

Senators and Representatives are elected by a?

Senators and Representatives are elected by a