In the election of 1932, Herbert Hoover ran against Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt won the presidency by a landslide, because Hoover was unpopular because of his response to the Great Depression.
Al Gore
The former Governor of Illinois Adlai Stevenson ran against Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. He also had run against him 1952. Stevenson was a popular Democrat, but never made it to the White House as president.
Ronald Reagan was 57 when he ran against Richard Nixon for the Republican Party nomination in 1968, he was 65 when he ran against Gerald Ford for the Republican Party nomination in 1976, he was 69 when he ran against incumbent President Jimmy Carter in 1980, and he was 73 when he ran for reelection in 1984 (he turned 78 less than three weeks after leaving office).
Thurmonds vice president was Fielding L. Wright. and he ran against Harry Truman, Henry Wallace, and Tom Dewey.
When Walter Mondale ran for Vice President in 1976 and 1980, he was Jimmy Carter's running mate. When he ran for President in 1984, his running mate was Geraldine Ferraro (that was the first of two times to date that a woman was one of the major party Vice Presidential candidates).
He ran against President John Adams
The first case of this was Thomas Jefferson, who ran against John Adams.
Yes.He ran against the other competitors.
Lincoln ran against former commander McDowell.
the Tories.
Alfred Emanual Smith ran against Herbert Hoover in the 1928 presidential election.
William Taft ran against William Jennings Bryan, who was a member of the Democratic Party.William Bryan
Clinton ran against George H.W. Bush in 1992 and against Bob Dole in 1996.
The Jefferson
George H. W. Bush ran against Ronald Reagan in the 1980 Republican primaries, but lost. Bush would eventually become Reagan's Vice President.
If you are asking who he ran against, it's Thomas Dewey.
No one. Bill Clinton had retired from the presidency in 2001.