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The farms and businesses were run by the wives and families of the Continental soldiers, slaves (if they had any), and the soldiers themselves who would leave their militia units sporadically when they thought they were needed at home.

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Q: Who ran the farms and businesses while colonial soldiers were fighting in the revolutionary?
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Who ran farms and businesses while colonial soldiers were fighting in the revolutionary war?


Who ran the farms and businesses while colonial soldiers who were fighting in the Revolutionary War?


Who ran the farms and business while colonial soldiers were fighting the revolutionary war?


Soldiers fighting for the colonial cause during the revolution?

Were called Patriots.

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NovaNet: thought colonial soldiers had fired on them

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Thought colonial soldiers had fired on them

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The Continental was the American soldiers, the colonists, that were fighting for freedom of British rule.

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William Tavington was the Butcher in the American Revolution. He was important becasue he killed all the colonial soldiers, wonded or not.

How did the revolutionary war affect farms and businesses?

During the Revolutionary War, farmers would produce food for the soldiers, and their families. Which side got the food depends if the Farmer was a loyalist, or a colonist sympathizer.

Did Molly Pitcher exist?

Molly Pitcher was a real woman who fought in the Revolutionary War. Her name was Mary Hayes, and it is believed that she brought water to soldiers during the fighting.

How did the soldiers from the Revolutionary War get to America?

i think the more they was fighting people got tried in wanted to get away from all the killing in the vilonces that was going on back in the 1924 in the 1945.