John G. Roberts, Jr., who was nominated in 2005 by President George W. Bush after Rehnquist unexpectedly died in office.
George H W Bush nominated Justice Clarence Thomas to replace Thurgood Marshall, who retired in 1991. Justice Marshall was progressive and a strong supporter of civil rights; Justice Thomas is ultraconservative.
John G. Roberts, Jr., who was nominated in 2005 by President George W. Bush after Rehnquist unexpectedly died in office.
Justice John Paul Stevens succeeded Justice William O. Douglas on the US Supreme Court. Stevens served on the Court from 1975 - 2010.
2005-presentJohn Glover Roberts, Jr is the current Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and has been Chief Justice, since 2005.1986-2005William Rehnquist was Chief Justice from 1986 until his death in 2005.
More than likely, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was referring to the straw vote the court makes after hearing the oral arguments. Essentially, the court was not decided by the vote; it was simply the manifestation of the ruling.
John G. Roberts since September of 2005 and he was preceded by William Rehnquist.
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist presided over the Court in 2000. President Nixon appointed Rehnquist to the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice in 1972, and President Reagan elevated him to Chief Justice in 1986. Rehnquist lead the Court until his death in 2005.
President Ronald Reagan nominated Antonin Scalia to the US Supreme Court in 1986 to replace William Rehnquist as Associate Justice, upon Rehnquist's elevation to Chief Justice. Justice Scalia's commission was approved by a unanimous Senate vote of 98-0.
William H. Rehnquist succeeded Warren Burger as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court when Burger retired in 1986. Chief Justice Rehnquist presided over the Court until his death in 2005.
William H. Rehnquist was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1986 until his death in 2005.
Associate Justice William H. Rehnquist, who later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Sixteenth Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist presided over the Supreme Court from 1986 until his death in 2005.
2005-presentJohn Glover Roberts, Jr is the current Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and has been Chief Justice, since 2005.1986-2005William Rehnquist was Chief Justice from 1986 until his death in 2005.
Nixon's final two appointees to the Supreme Court were William Rehnquist and Lewis Powell. Rehnquist served as an associate justice from 1972 until his elevation to Chief Justice in 1986, where he remained until his death in 2005. Powell served as an associate justice from 1972 until his retirement in 1987.
John G. Roberts was nominated to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
William H. Rehnquist was the last Chief Justice to die in office, when he passed away from cancer in 2005.
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist lead the Court from 1986 until his death in 2005.
More than likely, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was referring to the straw vote the court makes after hearing the oral arguments. Essentially, the court was not decided by the vote; it was simply the manifestation of the ruling.
John G. Roberts since September of 2005 and he was preceded by William Rehnquist.
The Supreme Court - 2007 The Rehnquist Revolution 1-4 was released on: USA: 7 February 2007