The prerequisite for this Constitution to function as intended, according to John Adams, was that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." [Adams, Charles Francis, ed. "The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: Volume IX." Boston: Little, Brown, 1854, p. 229.] Their intention was for this country to be a free country which would allow its citizens to worship that same Almighty
what is the 4 key people of the constitution?
The US Constitution was written for the people of the US. It is written for the people by the people
When the Constitution was first suggested, people who sided with it were called Federalists. People who did not were called Antifederalists. Antifederalists wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution.
I think you mean Framers of the Constitution.
The United States constitution was written for all the citizen of the United States.
The US Constitution is an amoral document, meaning that it is neither moral or immoral. The US Constitution is simply a governmental charter which gives people the right to constitute their own government. Whether this government does moral actions or immoral actions is entirely contingent on the people who behave by right of that charter. Morality and ethics are determined by an entirely distinct moral process (be it religious exegesis or secular moral systems) than anything in the US Constitution.
by getting immoral people to have immoral activites with
The responsibilities of congress are clearly enumerated in the constitution. Upon taking office every member of congress takes an oath to "protect, preserve and defend the constitution". That is it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of immoral people in congress and they violate their constitutional powers.
You should read it. It is only 25 verses long. It is a warning against ungodly people ministering in the church, the believers role in relation to these ungodly people and the letter ends in a well known benediction.
Whats immoral in your world is very likely not to be immoral in other peoples world!
Because it was immoral.
""We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."" ""The church is the moral compass of society."" ""We have no constitution which functions in the absence of a moral people
No. Immoral is not illegal. While immoral acts can frustrate other people, there aren't actually any rules saying you can't be immoral. However, some acts on the road are ALSO illegal as well as immoral. But if it just immoral, and not illegal, then your licence will not be revoked, you will not be fined or anything (unless it was dangerous).
Because Jesus said the last days on earth would be full of ungodly people.
He meant that the new constitution of the United States would not work if the people became immoral and nonreligious. People would vote themselves benefits, police would lie to judges and ignore citizens' rights, judges would legislate, Presidents and governors would judge, and Congress would do nothing.
According to some people, yes. But some people think all sex outside marriage is immoral. It really depends who is likely to get hurt - maybe a neglected wife, who feels left out. If you can do it without leaving victims, I can't see why it's immoral.