You didn't quote it properly. the actual quote was 'important principles may and must be inflexible', and it was made by Abraham Lincoln.
i have no idea but someone said there was seen principles of the constitution and im afraid to say that they are wrong there are only six!
NAtural Law
They are called Unconstitutional. :P
Alexander Hamilton
George III
Big businesses have many of the same qualities or better said, similar characteristics. For example, big businesses have name recognition in common. They also must be profitable if they expect to remain a big business. And, this is important, they must be flexible, flexible enough to weather economic downturns.
Charles Lyell's ' Principles of Geology. '
Stretch every day, you can not do the splits if you are not flexible enough. So, as i said just stretch and don't be impatient.
Jesus said that these are the most important things: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself." Beyond that, the principles of the Bible are my guide for faith and life.
dr.b.r. ambedkar
What Must Be Said was created in 2012.
Parmenides Principles like those Parmenides assumed are said in contemporary jargon tobe a priori principles, or principles of reason, which just means that they areknown prior to experience
John Adams
If our principles are right, why should we be cowards?
i have no idea but someone said there was seen principles of the constitution and im afraid to say that they are wrong there are only six!
In Greece, odiseous went to war when his son was born. And he said to his wife " if my son grows a beard, then you must give your hand in marraige to another man. my son must have a father teaching him important things in this world. you must promise me that you will do as i say." " i will odiseous" said Penelope. And he was off to fight a battle with his men. They faught for 10 years. They won the battle, the Greece won the battle.