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The origins of the Republic system stem from neither Revolutionary France nor ancient Rome. Ancient B.C. Greece was the founder of the Republic with philosophers, theorists and humanists contemplating methods of governance resulting in a balanced formation of the Republic.

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Q: Who started republic government?
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Why was the republic started?

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Why did the people of rome create a republic?

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The Fifth Republic Government Is The French Fifth Republic Government

What type of government does Madagascar have?

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Countries that are republic?

The USA is the only current one I know of, although Canada might be one. Also the Roman Empire was a republic, and I think the Romans started the Republic government; like Greece created democracy.

In Rome who were the top government leaders?

In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.

What is the link between republic and ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.