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Q: Who started the tradition of the inaugural parade?
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Related questions

How much do inaugural parade tickets cost for the year of 2013?

Tickets for the Inaugural Parade are free. Tickets are only required to watch the parade from certain places along the parade route and they are handled by the Presidential Inaugural Committee.

How long was the 2009 inaugural parade?

The 2009 inaugural parade was 2 and 1/2 hours. YO

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How many horses were in the inaugural parade?

There were 418 horses in the inaugural parade for President George Washington in 1789.

What are the release dates for Troop A in Inaugural Parade - 1897?

Troop 'A' in Inaugural Parade - 1897 was released on: USA: March 1897

Whose inaugural parade was the first to include a reviewing stand for the president?

whose inaugural parade was the first to include a reviewing standfor the president?

What are the release dates for A Part of Inaugural Parade Washington - 1897?

A Part of Inaugural Parade Washington - 1897 was released on: USA: March 1897

Where did the inaugural parade end?

at the white house

Floats that were in the inaugural parade?

Very Fancy Floats.

Who was the first president to include African Americans in his inaugural parade?

Abraham Lincoln became the 1st President to include African-Americans in his Inaugural Day Parade in 1865.

What is the purpose of the Inagural Parade?

The purpose of the Inaugural Parade is to celebrate the inauguration of a new President. The most recent Inaugural Parade was Monday, January 21, 2013, when President Barack Obama was made President of the United States.

What are the release dates for Inauguration of President Roosevelt the Grand Inaugural Parade - 1905?

Inauguration of President Roosevelt the Grand Inaugural Parade - 1905 was released on: USA: March 1905