There are two answers to this question.
James Madison was briefly in charge of troops readying for the Battle of Bladensburg, where British forces forced the crossing of the Anacostia River, took, and burned Washington, DC. Madison was convinced to depart before the battle actually got underway, as I recall.
Abraham Lincoln may have been fired upon by a Confederate sniper while visiting Washington, DC's outer fortifications during the Civil War.
James Madison was the only president to engage in combat while in office. It was during the War of 1812.
Yes ,William Henry Harrison was the first president to die while in office. He died in the White House after catching a cold.
vice president, & if he dies, the speaker of the house
No. But he/she can be immune while holding office.
A vice-president does not have to resign his office in order to run for President. Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, George H. W. Bush and Al Gore all ran for President while holding the office of vice-president.
George Washington in the Whiskey Rebellion.
Lincoln Lincoln
The first president to get married while in office was John Tyler. John Tyler was also the first president to have his wife die while in office.
Thaddeus Stevens
The answer is FDR for a 4th term. The answer is FDR for a 4th term.
the Oval Office
The 25th Amendment !
Vice president
President Obama
The President gets free medical care through the army hospital system while he is in office.