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The most recent federal judge to be impeached was G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. On March 11, 2010, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to impeach Porteous on four articles that included a long-standing pattern of corruption, concealing assets, gambling and other financial irregularities, and making material false statements to the FBI. His Senate trial is scheduled to begin on September 13, 2010.

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Q: Who was the Last member of the executive branch to be impeached?
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Why do you think the branches of government are discussed in this order and at this length?

The legislative branch is discussed first and in greatest detail because it was meant to have the most power. The executive branch is next discussed at little length because it was not meant to be too powerful and meant to be protected against. The judicial branch is discussed last and least in depth because its role was not fully realized yet and its power was minimal.

What are 2 executive checks over the legislative branch?

== == One is the fact that the judicial branch needs the executive branch to enforce its decisions. As an example, when the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional in Brown v. Bd. of Education of Topeka, it took the President's ordering the National Guard out to make some states abide by the ruling. The Judicial Branch has no way to enforce its decisions without the executive's co-operation. Another is the fact that it is the executive branch that nominates the judges in the first place. As a practical matter, presidents nominate persons who share the same political beliefs they do. This has the effect of creating (or trying to create) a judicial branch that will interpret the Constitution the way that that president would like. Trouble is, once a Supreme Court Justice is confirmed, nothing can be done to force him or her to rule in a particular way. They are appointed with lifetime tenure on good behavior and their salaries cannot be diminished while they are in office. And as to salaries, nothing says a president has to include raises for them in any budget he proposes.

What is one way the executive branch influences fiscal policy?

The legislative branch (Congress) approves the executive's (President's) proposals or come up with their own policy for money use. An example is the federal budget which Congress passes and acts on tax and spending legislation.

Which branch approves or vetoes bills?

The answer to this question depends entirely upon the nation in question; almost all modern democracies lack any provision for a power of veto at all, and the rules of the power of veto differ from nation to nation.In the United States, the President - who exercises the power of the executive branch - holds the power of veto, which he has the right to exercise (provided he has valid reasons for opposition to a law) unless Congress over-rules him with a supermajority. Many European nations with a President also have the power of veto, but in every case this power is much more limited. In France and Italy for example, the executivecan refuse to approve a law, but the legislature can over-rule this by passing the law for a second time with a normal majority vote. In almost every nation in the world, it is the executive branch that has this power.The United Kingdom is, however, a major exception. In theory, the Monarch holds the power of veto over any law, but this power has only been exercised once since the unification of Great Britain in 1707 (and it was exercised in that year). Though the Monarch no longer has any executive functions, they are nonetheless officially the head of the executive branch.Uniquely however, the United Kingdom also gives the power of veto to its legislative branch, and this is a power that is still - albeit rarely - exercised today. The House of Lords, which is the upper house of the UK's bicameral Parliament, has the power to veto a law, but this veto may only last for one full year, after which the law is considered to have been passed. Furthermore, the House is forbidden - both by law and unwritten convention - to veto any law a party promised to pass in its manifesto, which means it has few opportunities to exercise this power on major items of legislation. Some question whether or not this can truly be considered a veto then, given its limited scope and the fact it is legislative, and not executive.

How does the US Supreme Court enforce its decisions?

No, the US Supreme Court can't enforce its decisions; this limitation is one of the checks on the power of the Judicial branch. The Court generally must rely on the Executive branch to ensure the order the Supreme Court is carried out.

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What are the three branches of the Illinois government?

The three branches of the Illinois government are the executive branch, which is headed by the governor; the legislative branch, which consists of the Illinois General Assembly; and the judicial branch, which includes the state's court system.

What does the executive branch do with United States government laws?

The Goverment is the leader of the Executive Branch. He is the one that has the last say in passing or vetoing laws. However if the President veto's it the Judicial Branch can overpower him. If you want the wide view, the Executive Branch enforces the laws.In point of fact, the President is the leader of the Executive branch. He may either sign a bill into law or he may veto it. If he does chose to veto it, the veto may be overridden by a 3/4 majority of the Senate, which is part of the legislative branch. The Judicial branch has nothing whatsoever to do with the process of law making. It concerns itself only with the consequences of that process.

Who was the last president to be impeached?

Bill ClintonBill Clinton was the last U.S. President to be impeached. The House impeached him, but the Senate did not remove him from office.

How many governors have been impeached?

As of September 2021, nine governors in the United States have been impeached.

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An Aga Khanite is another name for a Sevener, a member of a branch of Shi'a Muslims who believe that Isma'il ibn Jafar was the seventh and last imam.

Who was the last member of jls?

JB was the last member of JLS

Who was the last member of EXO to be announced?

In Exo-KChanyeolwas the last member. Chanyeolwas the last member to be formally introduced, on February 23, 2012.In EXO-MKris was the last member. Kris was formally introduced as a member on February 17, 2012.

How many executive orders were signed by the last 5 presidents?

The last five presidents have signed more than 100 executive orders.

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the last member of the Tudor family was queen Elizabeth 1

How long does an executive order from the president last-his term only or forever?

An Executive Order of the President can last indefinitely. However, the next President in office can overturn or modify it.