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John Tyler in 1841. He had been elected Vice President in 1840, with President William Henry Harrison. When Harrison died one month after taking office, VP Tyler took over.

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Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (August 9, 1974)

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Q: Who was the first US Vice President to become President when the elected President died?
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First elected vice president to president?

When George Washington become president, John Adams become the first vice president.John Adams becomes the second president.

Who was the first vice president to become president without being elected president?

John Tyler was the first vice president to become President without being elected as President. He took over for William Henry Harrison, who was the first President to die in office in 1840.

How did he become vice president?

He got elected.

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Bill is not eligible to be elected vice president .

Who was elected as first vice president of the unided states?

John Adams was the 1st vice president elected.

Who became the first national president and vice president?

Washington was elected the first President, Adams the first Vice President.

Who became the national first President and Vice President?

Washington was elected the first President, Adams the first Vice President.

What year was john adams elected vice president?

Adams was elected in 1787 to be the first US vice president.

Who was appointed first vice president?

John Adams was elected to be the first vice president of the US.

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Washington was elected the first President, Adams the first Vice President.

Who became the first and only person to become president without being elected to either the office of president or vice president?

Gerald Ford

First person to become vice-president and presiodent without being elected to be either?

Gerald Ford