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Although firearms of sorts were used in China first ,it was the Europeans who saw the potential of this weapon. No records exist of a China man being killed with a gun before that of a European.

In 1415 King Henry V was marching an army of 5,000 men through France when a huge force of 30,000 french soldiers ,mostly knights appeared. The battle of Agincourt took place which was part of the Hundred Years War. This battle was won by the English Long Bow. Although out numbered 6 to 1 the English massacred their French foes. After the battle stories were told and corpses were inspected and it seems that at least 1 French soldier had a gun and had killed an English soldier.

So in conclusion the first person killed with a gun was an unknown English soldier in 1415.

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In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, murdered his brother Abel. Cain killing his brother Abel is the first recorded murder in history. We all know this, but what is remarkable about this crime is the circumstances under which Cain killed his brother. If we check out the source, Genesis 4:1-15, we will see a remarkable story. Eve gives birth first to Cain; later she gives birth to a second son, Abel. Abel became a shepherd and Cain became a farmer. Cain brought an offering to God from the fruit of his harvest. Abel brought from his first-born sheep. God accepted the offering of Abel, but not that of Cain. Cain was upset and God spoke to him explaining that his sin waits for him unless he repents. The next thing that happens is that Cain meets his brother in the field and kills him.

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Nobody knows that. If you believe The Bible, then it was Cain, who killed his brother Abel.

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