Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, also known as the Marquis de Lafayette was a French noble who became George Washington's aide-de-camp. Later in the war he was given command of a military division.For information about Lafayette, see Related Links, below.Apex-type answer, reworded and other variations exist
The Marquis de Lafayette
Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette.
The first French people to attempt to settle in Canada were Jean-Francois de la Rocque Sier de Roberval. Jean-François de La Rocque de Roberval was a French nobleman and adventurer who, through his friendship with King Francis, became the first Lieutenant General of New France.
Washington was a major in the Virginia militia when he was sent to tell the French to leave the Ohio River Valley.
the Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette
the Marquis de Lafayette
It was Henry IV.
Apex-type question, reworded, but there are more of these floating around
he was a french nobleman.
A French nobleman, Pierre Fredy
French nobleman that emigrated out of france due to the rise of radical elemeants.
he was a french nobleman who became interested in the American revolution .he severed in the army and gave 200,000 dollars which back then was considered millions or billions.
Pierre Coubertin
a french nobleman who lived a life of luxury in France
The muffin man