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Woodrow Wilson was the last president elected before 1920 when the women

s suffrage amendment was ratified. However, some states, such as Utah allowed women to vote in 1896. which would make Grover Cleveland in 1892 the last to get no votes from women.

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Q: Who was the last US President elected by all male voters?
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Who was the last male president of ireland?

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Actually, no. Black people are not a majority in this country, and even if every black person voted the same way (which they do not), that would not put a president in office. As it turned out, the president carried 28 states, most of which had white majorities. And while 96% of black voters did support Obama, so did a large number of young voters, Hispanic voters, and female voters. There was a cross-section from just about every demographic. (It should also be noted that although McCain got more white male voters, 41% of white males voted for President Obama.)

Which of these statements best compares the Roman Republic with ancient Greece's direct democracy?

Answer this question…Voters elected representatives in the Roman Republic. In the Greek direct democracy, voters themselves enacted laws and policies.

What of one of two houses of the Roman republic which consisted of regular middle-class male citizens of Rome?

The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.

What percentage of male voters voted for obama?

Enough to Win!!

What US document defined voters as male?

Declaration of independance.

Can an president past become a cabinate member?

Yes, a former president may hold any job that he is elected to or offered. If the former president has already served 2 terms as president there are some so say he (as we have only had male presidents) is ineligable to be president but this has not be tested or tried by the courts.

Which of the following best explains why the election of Barack Obama to the presidency was considered a turning point in U.S. history?

He was the first non-white male to be elected president.

Which of the following best explains why the election of Barack Obama to the presidency was considered a turning point in U.S. history?

He was the first non-white male to be elected president.

The founders believed the voters should be?

White,Male,Property Owners