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Whig Party

1. William Henry Harrison

2. John Tyler

3. Zachary Taylor

4. Millard Fillmore

Democratic-Republican Party

1. Thomas Jefferson

2. James Madison

3. James Monroe

4. John Quincy Adams

Federalist Party

1. John Adams

No Affiliation

1. George Washington Depends how you define "Democrat". If you start the list of Democrats with Andrew Jackson, then none of the first six presidents were either Democtrat or Republican. Nor of course, were the Whig Presidents WH Harrison, Tyler, Taylor and Fillmore. So ten in all Democrats sometimes confuse the issue by claiming to be lineal descendants of Jefferson's "Democratic Republicans". If you take that seriously (don't) then Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and perhaps JQ Adams should be omitted from the list. Andrew Johnson was elected VP as a "Unionist", but this was just the Republican Party with a few pro-War Democrats added on, so he doesn't really count. As president, his administration was entitrely Republican.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Prior to Abraham Lincoln, there was no Republican Party. I would assume a fair number before him were not Democrats either.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

George Washington,John Adams,William Henry Harrison,John Tyler,Zachery Taylor, & Millard Fillmore

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Millard Filmore (Whig) 1850-53

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βˆ™ 11y ago

millard fillmore he was a whig

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Q: Who was the last US President who was neither Republican nor Democratic?
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Who was the last Democratic President from Georgia?

Jimmy Carter

Why does California vote Democrat?

They did vote for Lincoln and for Reagan for President and they do have Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Governor's seat. They also recalled the last Democratic Governor they had so while the Democratic Party does hold both Houses of the legislature it is not a completely lost cause for the Republicans.

How many republican presidents had deficit spending?

All of them. In fact, of all the presidents in the last sixty years have had deficits. Harry Truman and Bill Clinton are the only two president in that time to have 3 years of consecutive balanced budgets (both were Democrats). The last Republican president to have a balanced budget was Richard Nixon in 1969. Each of the last 4 Republican presidents: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush each set new deficit spending records during their administration's. Gerald Ford's record was a mere 60 billion dollars.

What was the political platform for the whig party?

The Whig party grew up largely as an opposition party to Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party. It was strongest in the old Federalist strongholds of the Northeast and the old-line Southern states. Some noted Whigs leaders were John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. The party elected its first president in 1840 . It also won in 1848 but was soon divided over slavery, The Republican Party was formed and that was the last of the Whigs.

What man ran for the presidency in 1904 and 1912?

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) became President after the assassination of President McKinley in 1901. He successfully ran for re-election in 1904. In 1912, unable to gain the Republican Party nomination, Roosevelt was the candidate of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party. He outdrew the incumbent William Howard Taft, but lost in the three-way election to Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson.

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Democratic- the last Republican president who won in Maryland was Reagan

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The last time Minnesota voted republican for president was in 1972, for Richard Nixon.

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