Gerald Ford was the last president born at home. Jimmy Carter was the first to be born in a hospital.
Lyndon Baines Johnson
President who were not the first-born child:?Washington ( older half-brother)JeffersonMonroeJohn Quincy AdamsJacksonVan BurenWm Henry HarrisonTylerTaylorFillmorePierceLincolnAndrew JohnsonHayesGarfieldArthurClevelandBen. HarrisonMcKinleyT. RooseveltTaftWilsonHoover? F. Roosevelt ( older half-brother)EisenhowerKennedyNixonReaganGeorge H. W. Bush?Obama (older half -sib?)
President Richard Nixon was born in a kit home in Yorba Linda, CA. The house was built in 1912 and was not from Sears. Today the house is on the grounds of the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace.
There were not any presidents born in MontanaRead more: Were_any_presidents_born_in_Montana
Buchanan was the last president born in the 18th century
None. He was born at home.
None. He was born at home.
William Henry Harrison was the last president not born a US citizen. He was born a British citizen when the 13 original colonies were British colonies.
The current President Obama had a foreign-born father. Before him. Herbert Hoover's mother was born in Canada.
Be born in a log cabin.
Born last: Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) Elected last: James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Ronald Reagan is the only U.S. President born in Illinois. He was born in Tampico, Illinois on February 6, 1911.
President Taft was born and lived in Ohio. William Howard Taft was born in the year 1857 and he served as President in 1909.
James A. Garfield who was born in 1831 in Orange , Ohio was the last of the log cabin presidents. He was the 20th president and took office in 1881.