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Calvin Coolidge was the best. Harding, his predecessor, saw his administration racked with scandal. Woodrow was the President for just one year, 1920, plus the first part of 1921. He had been a good president in past years, but he had had a serious stroke and by the 20's he had lost the ability to lead as well as the confidence of the American people.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Clearly it was Mr. Ronald Regan, 40th President of the United States. Aside from bringing economic stability to the United States, via ingenious supply-side economics, during a period of inherited recession; he is also credited in the United States' victory in the Cold War as he took a hard line against the communist threat and toppled the iron curtain.

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11y ago

The answer is largely a matter of opinion. Most knowledable people would pick one of Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower , Harry Truman and Woodrow Wilson , or maybe John Kennedy.

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16y ago

A very debatable question. Teddy Roosevelt might have been. Or Eisenhower. Maybe Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I would have to say John F Kennedy.

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