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Fannie N. Smith

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Q: Who was the mother of Portia M Washington?
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Did Booker T Washington have siblings?

Portia M. Washington,Booker T. Washington,Ernest D. Washington

What are Booker T Washington's children s names?

Booker T. Washington had three children: Portia M. Washington, Booker T. Washington Jr., and Ernest Davidson Washington. Each of his children went on to make their own contributions to society, following in their father's footsteps in advocating for education and civil rights.

In 'The Merchant of Venice' who is Portia's mother?

He was a wealthy man who tied Portia to a lottery which meant that she could only marry a man who passed the test.

How many wives did Booker T Washington have?

Portia M. Washington Booker T. Washington Jr. and Ernest Davidson Washington

What happened to Booker T Washington?

Portia Washington Pittman died February, 1978 in Texas. She was an pianist.

What happened to Booker T Washington's children?

Portia Washington Pittman died February, 1978 in Texas. She was an pianist.

What are the three names of Booker t Washington wives?

His first wife was Fannie N. Smith, they had one child Portia M. Washington. His second wife was Olivia A. Davidson, they had two kids Booker T. Washington, and Ernest D. Washington.His third wife Margaret James Murray.

What was George Washington's parent names?

* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington

What are Booker t. washingtons children's names?

Son: Booker T. Washington, Jr.Son: Ernest Davidson WashingtonDaughter: Portia Washington Pittman

What happened to portia's father in Julius Caesar?

When Portia was very young, her father left her mother because she committed adultery. He fought in the war, but when it was over he did not return home.

Who is jascha Washington mother?

his mother is rihana

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