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Tadeusz_Kosciuszko">Tadeusz KosciuszkoAccually that's Thaddeus Kosciuszko.....atleast for A+LS ;)
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Q: Who was the polish general that volunteered to help the colonies at the Battle of Saratoga?
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Who was a polish general who volunteered tp help the colonies and played a leadind role at the battle of saratoga?

Thadeus Kosciusko. At Saratoga he chose Bemis Heights as a key position overlooking the Hudson River which he proceeded to strongly fortify, making it nearly impregnable to attack from any direction, thus preventing it from being stormed by the British Army.

After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans?

It was after the second of the two Battles of Saratoga that General Burgoyne of Great Britain surrendered his men. This occurred on October 7, 1777.

What led to the battle of saratoga?

The Battle of Saratoga was fought because England wanted to break up the American colonies. The American forces were victorious in the battle.

What state included the battle of saratoga?

their was no state ...General Buryone helped the colonist win the battle of saratoga

What battle did the Americans defeat the British attempt to split the colonies at the Hudson River?

The Battle of Saratoga.

What happened in th battle of Saratoga?

In the Battle of Saratoga, the British were halted in their attempt to attack the colonies from Canada. The battle is actually two battles that occurred a few weeks apart.

Why was the battle of saratoga considered the turning point of war?

The Battle of Saratoga was considered the turning point of the Revolutionary war. This battle was the first major win for the colonies and improved morale.

Why the battle of saratoga was considered the turning point of the war?

The Battle of Saratoga was considered the turning point of the Revolutionary war. This battle was the first major win for the colonies and improved morale.

American general at the battle of saratoga?

Horatio Gates

What general lost at the battle of saratoga?

John Burgoyne

How did the battle of Saratoga start?

Because in 1777, England and France were fighting for terrotories.

Was George Washington in the battle of saratoga?

No he was not in the Battle of Saratoga. The battle of Saratoga N.Y. was with Benedict Arnold and American General Gates. George Washington was in Philadelphia at the time, hiding from the most powerful British army led by General Gage. The Battles of Saratoga was were the two American Generals faced off against the British General Burgoyne. The Americans won.