Somerset County, PA was formed in 1795 when George Washington was president. Somerset County , NJ was created long before there were US president.
help people out
There was no US President 350 years ago (1663). The United States of America was formed in 1776.
Former president Herbert Hoover died in 1964. So did Douglas MacArthur.
The vice president of the US is the president of the US senate.
the vice president
There are four Somerset Counties in different states across the US. According to the NACo, the year in which each Somerset County was founded is listed as follows: * Somerset County, Maryland: 1666 * Somerset County, Maine: 1809 * Somerset County, New Jersey: 1688 * Somerset County, Pennsylvania: 1795
Dwight Eisenhower was President of the US when the Interstate highway system was formed.
Harry Truman was the US president when the UN was created.
# Adams County for John Adams the 2nd President. # Arthur County for Chester Arthur the 21st President. # Fillmore County for Millard Fillmore the 13th President. # Garfield County for James Garfield the 12th President. # Grant County for Ulysses Grant. # Hayes County for Rutherford Hayes. # Jefferson County for Thomas Jefferson. # Lincoln County for Abraham Lincoln. # Madison County may have been named for James Madison although because its early settlers were mostly from Madison Wisconsin that is the likely source of its name. # Pierce County for Franklin Pierce. # Polk County for James Polk. # Washington County for George Washington. * Clay and Douglas Counties were named for Presidential hopefuls Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas. * Johnson County was NOTnamed for a US President but for Richard Mentor Johnson who was th 9th Vice President of the US.
James Knox Polk
Washington was the first US president, so anything that shares that name would have to be Washington as well.
Harry Truman was President when the UN was formed - the US was in it from the start.
James Garfield, the 20th US president, was born in a log cabin in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on November 19, 1831.
Fillmore is the capitol of Millard county, named after president Millard Fillmore. There is also a Washington County and Washington City. There is a city of Monroe, a Garfield County, and a Roosevelt City.
Richard Milhous Nixon.
County Sheriffs do not have the authority to call out the Guard. That's done by the governor of the state or the president of the US.