The Constitution.
Constitutional law is mainly concerned with the structure of the primary organs of government. Constitutional law is also concerned with the fundamental principles according to which a state or organization is governed.
author of constitutional law books
Intermediate scrutiny is the most common test used by the courts when deciding if a law or policy is constitutional. The Supreme Court will define and determine if the laws are constitutional and act as judicial review.
It means to withstand a legal challenge on Constitutional grounds. An unconstitutional law is one that will not "pass Constitutional muster," and would be overturned by the SCOTUS if challenged.
John Marshall, the fourth Chief Justice of the United States, is often considered the principal founder of constitutional law in America. His decisions in cases such as Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland helped establish the principles of judicial review and federal supremacy.
limited government
john marshall
common law; ( case law) statutory law Administrative law court rules constitutional law
Jerome A. Barron has written: 'Constitutional law, principles and policy' -- subject(s): Cases, Constitutional law 'Constitutional law in a nutshell' -- subject(s): Constitutional law 'Public rights and the private press' -- subject(s): Law and legislation, Mass media, Press law 'First Amendment law in a nutshell' -- subject(s): 1st, Amendments, Constitutional law, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, United States 'Constitutional law' -- subject(s): Constitutional law '1977 cumulative supplement: Constitutional law, principles and policy' 'Constitutional law, principles and policy' -- subject(s): Constitutional law 'Constitutional law in a nutshell' -- subject(s): Constitutional law
William C. Banks has written: 'Constitutional law' -- subject(s): Cases, Constitutional law 'National Security Law Supplement (Case Supplement)' 'Constitutional law' -- subject(s): Cases, Constitutional law 'Constitutional law' -- subject(s): Cases, Constitutional law
Owen Hood Phillips has written: 'The constitutional law of Great Britain and the Commonwealth' -- subject(s): Constitutional law 'A first book of English law' -- subject(s): Law, Outlines, syllabi 'O. Hood Phillips' Constitutional and administrative law' -- subject(s): Administrative law, Constitutional law 'The principles of English law and the constitution' -- subject(s): Constitutional law, Law 'Leading cases in constitutional law' -- subject(s): Cases, Constitutional law
David Schneiderman has written: 'Introduction to legal history and the Constitution' -- subject(s): Constitutional history, Law, Constitutional law, History 'Advanced constitutional law' -- subject(s): Civil rights, Constitutional law, Cases 'The Quebec Decision' 'Constitutional limits and economic interests' -- subject(s): Constitutional law, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Constitutional law
Joakim Nergelius has written: 'Constitutional law in Sweden' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Constitutional law, Popular works 'Nordic And Other European Constitutional Traditions (Constitutional Law Library) (Constitutional Law Library)' 'The constitutional dilemma of the European Union' -- subject(s): Constitutional law, European federation, Philosophy, Treaty on European Union
Neptali A. Gonzales has written: 'Administrative law' -- subject(s): Administrative law 'Philippine constitutional law' -- subject(s): Constitutional law 'Philippine political law' -- subject(s): Constitutional law
A law is unanimously considered constitutional if it is covered in the U.S. Constitution.
a fundamental law is but constitutional law