George Washington. Actually the very first president was John Hanson but he was never elected
You would call her by president Clinton.She is the first woman president so she will be very famous if she wins the election.So far she is very famous too.
The election of the President is the 2nd Tuesday in Novemer. The inaugration of the new President if the first week of January---usually a very cold day.
The first, and only, President of the Confederate States of America was Jefferson Davis. Jefferson Davis was the first and only president of the confederacy.
Donald trump was the first orange president
John Adams succeeded the first president and so became the second president.
George Washington was the very first President in the United States.
Our current president, Mr. Obama.
gorge Washington
Mrs. Washington
The President, or the very first executive was George Washington
Washington was the first President and very highly respected as the winner of the Revolution. As such everything he did set a precedent. He established the role of US President.
George Washington
George Washington is often called the President without precedent. This is because he was the very first President of the United States.
His very first was to pardon Nixon for his crimes while president.
Dwight Eisenhower was the first US president to be born in Texas. He did not live there very long.
You would call her by president Clinton.She is the first woman president so she will be very famous if she wins the election.So far she is very famous too.
William McKinley was supposedly the first president to play a round of golf. Taft played golf but not often when he was president but he likely was the first sitting president to play golf. Wilson certainly played golf while he was president, but not very well.