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Q: Who were Indian scouts for George Washington?
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The British won, but not because of George Washington

Who established the Indian boys Scout association?

The American Indian Scouting Association is a joint venture of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA.Due to a Government of India order against it, Indian Boys were not admitted into the Boy Scouts Association. To get around that order, many separate organizations were started, including the Indian Boy Scouts Association, which was founded in 1916 and headed by Annie Besant and George Arundale.

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What did George Washington eat at breakfast?

George Washington liked Indian Hoecakes, cornbread topped with butter and honey.

How long did George Washington serve in the French and Indian War?

George Washington began his service in the French and Indian war in the year 1753, retiring from same in 1758.

How old was Washington when he goinged the French and Indian War?

George Washington was 20 years old when he was in the French and Indian War.

Who was the founder of Indian Boy Scouts association in 1917?

The Indian Boy Scouts Association was one of several scouting organizations started in India to circumvent the Indian government's ban on the World Scouting Movement. It was founded in 1916 in Madras by Annie Besant and George Arundale

How was George Washington involed in the Indian and french war?

He was the commander!

Who was govenor the during French and Indian War?

George Washington

What two wars did George washington serve in?

French and Indian

What was the first war George Washington was in?

The French and Indian War