These are the Vice Presidents of the US and the Presidents with whom they were elected. (Boldface indicates those that were later President)
*With the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew, Gerald Ford was sworn in as Vice President on December 6, 1973. With the resignation of Richard Nixon, Ford became President, and Nelson Rockefeller was sworn in as Vice President on December 19, 1974.
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PresidentVice PresidentGeorge Washington (1789-1797)John Adams (1789-1797)John Adams (1797-1801)Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801)Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)Aaron Burr (1801-1805)George Clinton (1805-1809)James Madison (1809-1817)George Clinton (1809-1812)none (1812-1813)Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814)none (1814-1817)James Monroe (1817-1825)Daniel D. Tompkins (1817-1825)John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)John C. Calhoun (1825-1829)Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)John C. Calhoun (1829-1832)none (1832-1833)Martin Van Buren (1833-1837)Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)Richard M. Johnson (1837-1841)William Henry Harrison (1841)John Tyler (1841)John Tyler (1841-1845)none (1841-1845)James K. Polk (1845-1849)George M. Dallas (1845-1849)Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)Millard Fillmore (1849-1850)Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)none (1850-1853)Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)William King (1853)none (1853-1857)James Buchanan (1857-1861)John C. Breckinridge (1857-1861)Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)Hannibal Hamlin (1861-1865)Andrew Johnson (1865)Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)none (1865-1869)Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)Schuyler Colfax (1869-1873)Henry Wilson (1873-1875)none (1875-1877)Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)William Wheeler (1877-1881)James A. Garfield (1881)Chester Arthur (1881)Chester Arthur (1881-1885)none (1881-1885)Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)Thomas Hendricks (1885)none (1885-1889)Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)Levi P. Morton (1889-1893)Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)Adlai E. Stevenson (1893-1897)William McKinley (1897-1901)Garret Hobart (1897-1899)none (1899-1901)Theodore Roosevelt (1901)Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)none (1901-1905)Charles Fairbanks (1905-1909)William Howard Taft (1909-1913)James S. Sherman (1909-1912)none (1912-1913)Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)Thomas R. Marshall (1913-1921)Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)Calvin Coolidge (1921-1923)Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)none (1923-1925)Charles Dawes (1925-1929)Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)Charles Curtis (1929-1933)Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)John Nance Garner (1933-1941)Henry A. Wallace (1941-1945)Harry S Truman (1945)Harry S Truman (1945-1953)none (1945-1949)Alben Barkley (1949-1953)Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)Richard Nixon (1953-1961)John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)Lyndon B. Johnson (1961-1963)Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)none (1963-1965)Hubert Humphrey (1965-1969)Richard Nixon (1969-1974)Spiro Agnew (1969-1973)none (1973)Gerald Ford (1973-1974)Gerald Ford (1974-1977)none (1974)Nelson Rockefeller (1974-1977)Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)Walter Mondale (1977-1981)Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)George Bush (1981-1989)George Bush (1989-1993)Dan Quayle (1989-1993)Bill Clinton (1993-2001)Al Gore (1993-2001)George W. Bush (2001-2009)Dick Cheney (2001-2009)Barack Obama (2009-present)Joe Biden (2009-present)
Through Joseph Biden (January 20, 2009), there have been 47 men who served as Vice President of the US, all but two of them elected to the position. The first 3 Vice Presidents were actually "runners-up" for President, until the 12th Amendment was ratified in 1804.Two Vice Presidents, George Clinton and John C. Calhoun, served under 2 presidents, but several Presidents had more than 1 Vice President. Four Vice Presidents who succeeded to the office had no Vice President of their own (Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, and Arthur).Both Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockfeller were appointed under the terms of the 25th Amendment.
Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has produced the most U.S. Presidents, which is eight. Harvard also produced four US Vice Presidents.
No US presidents were from the state of Delaware.Rutherford Hayes, the 19th President was born in the town of Delaware, Ohio.Joe Biden, the current vice-president is a former senator from Delaware.
There were not any presidents born in MontanaRead more: Were_any_presidents_born_in_Montana
In USA executive ranks, a Group Vice President is at the same level as an Executive Vice President. A Group Vice President ranks above a Senior Vice President and a Vice President, and will typically have multiple Senior Vice Presidents and/or Vice Presidents reporting to them.
All US Vice Presidents are not yet dead.
282 if you count each once
Rosemary Dempsey
Never were vice presidentWashingtonMadisonMonroeJ. Q. AdamsJacksonW. H. HarrisonPolkTaylorPierceBuchananLincolnGrantHayesGarfieldClevelandBen. HarrisonMcKinleyTaftWilsonHardingHooverF.D. RooseveltEisenhowerKennedyCarterReaganClintonG. W. BushObama
No, there are no presidents or vice presidents from Colorado.
14 so far.You can read more at:What_vice_presidents_became_president
The presidents either died or resigned, and their vice presidents took office, or the vice presidents were elected on their own.
they are all sussessfull presidents they all did drugs all dealed with wars all had vice presidents that were presidents right after them (three of them died in office) all well known and all had a very famous speech
Theodore Roosevelt