The answer is: John Adams and John Quincy Adams and the otehr is George Bush and George W. Bush
John Adams and John Quincy Adams, George Bush and George W. Bush.
At this writing, 5/3/2010, no woman has ever been elected President or Vice President of the US.
No one was elected president in March 1797. However, John Adams, the first Vice President of the United States became the second President of the United States in 1797 March after having been elected to the position in 1796.
No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).
A democratic party, as you have been voted to power by fair means.
No- not any more. He has already been elected two times, which is the maximum number allowed.
He should not have been elected president but his life should not be threatened just because he was able to fool the American people by the use of his political machine to become elected
John Adams and John Quincy Adams, George Bush and George W. Bush.
55 times
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only President to be elected more than two times. He was elected to four terms, in 1932,1936,1940 and 1944. His record will never be equaled because since then an amendment has been ratified that limits the president to being elected no more than twice.
Hillary Clinton has never been elected president. She apparently won the popular vote in the recent 2016 presidential election.
No- not really. There is one restriction that was added, that a person who has already been elected two times or else has been elected one time and completed more than two years of another's term can not be president.
At this writing, 5/3/2010, no woman has ever been elected President or Vice President of the US.
The US president has always been elected in substantially the same way. The real change was in the way the vice-president was elected.
Technically speaking, they've all been elected in to *office*. However, Ford is the only one who was never elected to the Executive Office (as either President or Vice-President).