James Buchanan (1860-61) Abraham Lincoln (1861-65) Andrew Johnson (1865-69) and Ulysses S. Grant (1869) were the presidents of the 1860's.
No US presidents were named Nathaniel.
If you're asking whether any US Presidents were constitutionally ineligible to hold office, the answer is no.
There hasn't been any presidents from Rhode Island, yet.
This disorder was unnamed and not diagnosed until recently, but I can not see any indication that any of the US Presidents suffered from it.
The presidents probaly had many different religions. You can check at wikipedia if they have more information.
John Breckinridge
The US American sports people played in the 1860s were rather limited. Some of them included golf, boxing, cricket, baseball and rowing among others.
name the 5 us presidents who had beardsLincolnGrantHayesGarfieldBenjamin Harrison
there were 44 presidents in U.S.A.
they are be 44 Presidents in the U.S.A.
No US presidents have been from Maryland.
Other place have presidents but they aren't called presidents.
Like the US Civil War in the 1860s the Vietnam War in the 1960s divided America.
Every single one of the US presidents was accused of a crime
George Washington and John Adams were the first two US presidents.