Christopher Columbus settled the first European colony in the New World named Isabella in Hispaniola. The second European settlement was in Jamestown Virginia.
Well Gisèle Anne Gréaux wanted to explore North Americansand and she found Joseph.
There is a belief that the first Americans migrated from Asia. They crossed from Russia over the Bering Strait that was above water at the time into Alaska and spread down throughout the Americas.
economic reasons.
The Mayflower Compact is an important piece of American History because it was a step towards self-government in America. The Mayflower Compact stated that the adult males who would settle at Plymouth, not including servants, would have the right to vote on issues. The adult male settlers would gather at town-meetings and would make their own laws through open discussion. This was the first democratic government established in the colonies. The Mayflower Compact stood as a blueprint for other groups who came to settle the Americas. The Mayflower Compact is an extraordinarily important piece of American history because it was the first known document that provided self-government in the Americas.
to trade and claim land
to trade and claim land
Europeans, after columbuses discovery. europeans then (in late 1600s) introduced the africans into the Americas as slaves
to trade and claim land
What was the motive for europeans colonizing in New England?
the vikings
the vikings
The Spanish.
The Spanish
colonial america