Well Gisèle Anne Gréaux wanted to explore North Americansand and she found Joseph.
The Atlantic Ocean was the body of water Europeans were most likely to explore last. They were unsure of what lands, if any, lay to the west.
The Europeans wanted to spread Christianity, increase their wealth through mercantilism, and enrich their treasures. They also wanted more land.
For the most part, Europeans began exploring because of the necessity of trade. A rise of the middle class on that continent made certain hard to get items rise in demand.
His goal was to find a route to the rich spice trade of the Indies and to explore the west coast of Africa.
answer is: The european middle ages contributing the age of exploration
I don't know I'm asking you
I don't know I'm asking you
to trade and claim land
to trade and claim land
Initially Europeans explored the Americas in search of gold, silver and precious stones.
to trade and claim land
In Search Of Gold And Some Lookinq For A Route To India Once Again In Search Of Gold
The discovery of America led to a demand of new kind of political and economic organization. Europeans were forced to explore and settle in new lands due to the, economical, political and religious turmoil that was occurring in the 16th and 17th century.
I don't know I'm asking you
I don't know I'm asking you
Europeans were motivated to explore and settle in the Americas due to factors like the desire for wealth and power, the search for new trade routes, the spread of Christianity, and the need for resources such as gold, silver, and land. The prospect of finding new territories and expanding their empires also drove European exploration and colonization in the Americas.
Organization, Europeans needed to find places to live beside Europe.