Democratic: Al Gore (Vice President, former Senator of Tennessee) as President and Joe Liebermann (Senator of Connecticut) as Vice President
Republican: George W. Bush (Governor of Texas) as President and Richard "Dick" Cheney (Senator of Wyoming) as Vice President
Incumbent President George W. Bush won reelection in the 2004 presidential election defeating John Kerry. In the 2004 presidential election George W. Bush received 286 electoral votes and John Kerry received 251 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Bush 60,693,281 and Kerry 57,355,978.
The two major party presidential candidates were George W. Bush (Republican) and Al Gore (Democrat). Mr. Bush won the election by a slim margin.
George W.Bush,the 2000 republican presidential candidate won the presidential election of 2000.
Garfield 1880, Cleveland 1884, Wilson 1912, Kennedy 1960, Carter 1976, GW Bush 2000 and 2004.
Presidential elections take place every four years. There was an election in 2004 (George Bush beat John Kerry) and in 2008 (Barack Obama beat John McCain). The next election will be in 2012.
US Supreme Court
George W.Bush/Dick Cheney Al Gore/Joseph Liberman
George W.Bush,the 2000 republican presidential candidate won the presidential election of 2000.
Not knowing which election you are referring to... 2008 Presidential election: 132,618,580 total. 2004 Presidential election: 122,294,978 total. 2000 Presidential election: 105,586,274 total
If my math is correct, 2000 was the year for the 54 presidential election.
The 54th U.S. presidential election took place in the year 2000.
Ralph Nader and the Green Party.
Al Gore was the Democratic candidate in 2000.
George W. Bush and Al Gore.
George W. Bush, 2000 and 2004Jimmy Carter, 1976JFK, 1960Google Dave Leip's Atlas of Presidential Elections. It shows all past presidential election results.
yes in the 2000 presidential election.
In both the 2000 and 2004 Presidential election, all of Colorado's electoral votes were cast for the Republican candidate, George W. Bush.