The Suez Crisis and War of 1956 involved the collusion between the British, French and Israelis to seize Egypt's Sinai and the canal. The immediate outcomes were political condemnation by the US, USSR and the UN forcing the immediate Anglo-French withdrawal (and later Israeli in 1957). It caused political aftermath the allied governments involved, and is regarded as ending Britain superpower status. The Suez Crisis also set in place the circumstances that would culminate in the 1967 June War where Israel recaptures the Sinai, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War when Egypt attempted to retake it.
The Suez Crisis took place from October 29, 1956 to November 7, 1956 between Israel and Egypt. The Israeli losses amounted to 257 people, and on the Egyptian side, somewhere between 1,600 and 3,000 troops died. The civilian death total was 1,000.
Ferdinand de Lessups is responsible for the construction of the Suez canal. The Suez Canal was constructed in 1859.
The Whiskey Rebellion.
the Suez Canal
He won it because of his contribution to the Suez Crisis.
The three crises of 1956 were the Suez Crisis, the Hungarian crisis and the Oil Crisis. The Suez crisis was a confrontation between Israel and Egypt.
The Suez Crisis started on October 28 and ended on November 7, 1956. The crisis is also referred to as the Second Arab-Israeli War.
Lester B. Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957 for his role in defusing the Suez Crisis.
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt became a leader in the Arab world as a result of the Suez Crisis.
The Suez Canal opened in November 1869. The date is unknown.
The British and French challenging of Egyptian President Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal
Eisenhower Doctrine
Britain and France
The Twentieth Century - 1957 Crisis at Suez 5-13 was released on: USA: 28 January 1962