Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration with Franklin, Adams, and Jay as editors. It took 6 rewrites before it was approved by congress.
The Declaration of Independence was not really published, but it was signed. If you take it that way, the Continental Congress published it.
2 2
July 4, 1776 -------Accutally whoever answerd this the Declaration of Independence was passed by the 2nd continental congress on July 2,1776----Your welcome
How long did it take Congress to admit Missouri as a state?
You can take a look at the opinions at the link below.Justice Thomas wrote a concurring opinionJustice Alito wrote a concurring opinion in which Justice Kennedy joinedJustice Stevens wrote a dissenting opinion in which Justices Souter and Ginsberg joinedJustice Breyer wrote an opinion concurring in the judgment in part and dissenting in part
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration over 17 days.
How long does it take for pepsi max to finish
How long does it take before people finish their sentences...?
Reading the manga will take you a year
Th Declaration of Independence was written over 200 years +
About 2 months
about 2 months
6 weeks
about 16:32 hours
a year
I think it took 13 YEARS from the date of Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the Constitution by the 13 colonies.
it will take about 5 mintes