Extreme fear; fear that agitates body and mind; violent dread; fright., That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.
Mahatma Ghandi, Mohandes GhandiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi
NNDP MEANS:Nigeria national democratic party .these was Nigeria first political party.it was founded by Herbert Macaulay to take advantage of the new Clifford in the year 1923
Full of activity
Totalitarian nations are ruled by force by a dictator or a small group of individuals that have created a ruling party. There can be no other political parties except their own, such as in the world of Nazi Germany. Keeping rebellious populations from rebelling is not always an easy job. With that said state sponsored terrorism keeps the enslaved peoples in place.
Extreme fear; fear that agitates body and mind; violent dread; fright., That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.
full of terror
Full House - 1987 Terror in Tanner Town 4-10 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Full House - 1987 Terror in Tanner Town 4-10 was released on: USA: 23 November 1990
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The full meaning is Universal Decleration of human Right
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He gave the woman a look full of turpitude and vulgarity and she ran away in terror!
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The full meaning of R O I is the Republic of Ireland