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If isolated from their normal environment, controlled totally, and subjected to sustained denigration, threat, and coercion, many people will come to accept whatever those controlling them tell them to believe as a new "reality". Their thinking "recalibrates" as a survival mechanism, particularly if by so doing they receive approval and "favors" from the abusers. This may happen incidentally as part of life in a coercive/ abusive social situation (eg in an abusive family or other social group), or it may be the result of a deliberate strategy by an individual or group aiming systematically to manipulate others.

I have experienced this: it was all too real, and those who deny the possibility of it happening, or believe only the "weak willed" can be so manipulated, are very ignorant and arrogant, having no understanding of the dynamics of abusive situations where those in positions of power or trust can control the vulnerable for their own nefarious purposes.

As a ten year old in a boarding school I was sexually abused by the teacher responsible for my "pastoral care". There was nowhere to go; attempts at disclosure resulted in me being punished severely by the school's "leadership", and I was isolated from my peers, humiliated, and deprived of "comforts" (eg regular meals) unless I complied with the abuser's wishes. He entrapped me by lies, manipulation, and various other ruses, and eventually I came to believe that I was the one At Fault, and, in practical terms, compliance with his demands eventually became my least bad option. He brainwashed me to the extent that I ended up "willingly" visiting him at night to do what he wanted, believing that it was me who was "wicked".

This happened many years ago, and the "man" who abused me (and I don't doubt others), is (thankfully) long dead. It took me decades to come to terms with what happened to me, and to accept that it wasn't my fault. In hindsight, one key reason I have been able to "recover" to live a normal life was the fact that I did, one day, run away from that school and him: my shame and fear meant I told no-one (especially not my parents!) about "it", but they sensed something was profoundly wrong, and took me away from that school almost immediately.

For years afterwards, however, I suffered from many "difficulties" (eg teenage ambivalence about schoolwork; drug use; sexual problems; extreme cynicism and pessimism, especially about personal relations, and a tendency to "hit first and ask questions afterwards"!), and it amazes me still that I did not end up either "on the street" or in jail.

As my counsellor/ psychotherapist has pointed out, however, the fact that despite many "failures" (eg dropping out of university first time round in a haze of sexual and drug related "glitches"; screwing-up badly after joining the army; getting fired from numerous undemanding, "dead end", jobs etc) I am now a successful family man with two happy, "normal" kids, a good job, and a string of degrees etc to my name, suggests that I'm actually pretty resilient, and "quite a good fellow". The point is, I am no "lame brain", and my "life story" suggests I'm also pretty determined, reliable, and "self-actualizing", and yet back "then" I was "brainwashed" to believe the opposite, and for years afterwards deeply embedded false beliefs tainted my life and sense of self. If it can happen to someone like me, it can happen to anyone.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, if in a dependent situation, placed under severe stress, and isolated from normal frames of reference, people may be coerced and manipulated to such an extent that they come to accept whatever their abuser demands as "true" - they adapt to a new "reality", primarily as a means of survival.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

because most us (humans ) are idiots and need something to show us the way

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Most forms of brainwashing are done by torture. Brainwashing is simply means convincing someone by the means of torture.

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Lvl 1
โˆ™ 4y ago

get help please and leave her alone stop bulling people get theripy

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