Locks are needed when the waterway flows down/up hill. Instead of going over a waterfall, you 'lower' the vessel using a series of locks.
Why are some people say that Article BIO is no longer needed
it is based on population in the statePOPULATION! :) if your doing the crossword, GOODLUCK!:DD
island hopping
Some filaments of the Spirogyra are branched and look like bushes. Some of the others do not have any branches.
Voting requirements are specific to each organization. You would have to consult the by-laws for what is allowed in that club or group. Some allow 'proxy' voting, others do not. Some permit absentee ballots, others do not.
because of the elevation
Locks on canals are used as a means of effectively going up or down hill. Water will always find its own level, therefore letting water flow into a system of locks allows gradients to be navigated by the vessels using the waterway. The number of locks will depend on how flat or otherwise the land needed to be passed through!
People needed to dig up a lot of ground to make them. Some were made obsolete by the railroad soon after they were constructed. Canals need a lot of water in order for the boats to sail on them. In the winter the water can turn to ice. In the summer, the water can dry up. Boats that are bigger than the locks of the canal can't use them.
A few are Rivers, coastal waters, sometimes combined with canals and locks, provide convenient travel routes!
Plow, writing, wheel and canals and many others.
In the same tooth, some root canals are necrotic while the others are vital.
what are canals
Between 2 and 3 meters, although on average 2.4m
it has no canals sorry
The Shannon and the Royal Canal. There are many others as Ireland has many rivers and some canals.
No canals or rivers in Malta
There aren't any canals