There was never a second American Revolutionary War, there was only one.
The Second Continental Congress was it's name.
The second plan for the United States government was the 10 amendments.
The first part is the Preamble, the second is the Bill of Rights, and the third is the amendments.
The Fourteenth Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses have both been used, but the Due Process Clause has been used more because many amendments in the Bill of Rights relate directly to protection against abuse from the criminal justice system (due process of law).Please note that only the First, Fourth and Sixth Amendments have been fully incorporated; the Fifth Amendment is mostly incorporated; The Third and Eighth Amendments are partially incorporated; the Second and Seventh Amendments are currently unincorporated. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments, while considered part of the Bill of Rights, are not amenable to the process.For more information, see Related Questions, below.
Yes the Patriot Act has violated the constitutional amendments. It violates the first. second, fourth, fifth, sixth eighth, and the fourteenth amendments.
Your nom
Primarily as "arms" in the Second Amendment, but also as personal effects and property in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
becuase ther were lame anad boring
The second Revolutionary War
Amendments 1- freedom of religion press speech. 2- right to bear arms. 4- search and seizure of propety.
Because it come between the second and fourth centuries.
They are basically called first, second, third, fourth, and fifth positions.
you worded that wrong...there arnt amendments is amendments...
The first or second revolutionary war?
The first or second revolutionary war?
The title of the second book of the 4th series of Warriors is called Fading Echoes.