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He's not a natural-born citizen, as required by the Constitution. He was not born in the USA. He is Austrian by birth.

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Q: Why could Governor Schwarzenegger never be President?
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Who is the President of Maine?

Maine is a state in the United States of America, and has a governor. The current governor of Maine is Paul LaPage. (Rep). The President of the US is Barack Obama. There has never been a US president from Maine.

Who was the last us president to not be governor of any state?

George H.W. Bush. He was a Congressman and held various positions in the Federal government, including head of CIA, but he was never a governor. George W. Bush - Texas Bill Clinton - Arkansas Ans: George W. Bush he was never serve as a governor but became president

When could the president fill a vancy in us sentate?

The President can never appoint someone to fill a Senate vacancy. The U.S. Constitution allows the Governor of the state to which the vacant seat is entitled to make a temporary appointment to fill the seat until a special election can be held, but only if the state legislature has passed a bill allowing him/her to do so. Actually there is one Senate vacancy for which the President appoints a replacement: the U.S. Vice President, who constitutionally is also the President of the Senate. Vice presidential appointments require the approval of both houses of Congress.

What President never voted before becoming President?

The answer is that several presidents had not previously held elected public office before becoming President: Zachary Taylor, U.S. Grant, William Howard Taft [although he was governor-general of the Philippines], Herbert Hoover, and Dwight Eisenhower. This now includes Donald Trump.

When did Henry Ford become president?

Henry Ford was never president

Related questions

How many years has Arnold Schwarzenegger served in congress?

He was never in Congress, but he served as Governor of California from 2003-2011.

Was Patrick Henry president in 1775?

there was no president in 1775, he was never president he was only Governor.

How long was Arnold shwarseneger senator of California?

Schwarzenegger was never a senator, he is the Governor of California. He was sworn in on Novermber 17, 2003. His term ends in 2011.

When did Benjamin Franklin become president of Pennsylvaina?

He Never was president P.S. dont you mean governor

What year was Samuel Adams elected governor?

He was govenor. he never was the president.

When did Barack Obama become Governor?

He has never been a Governor. Prior to being President he served as a US Senator from Illinois.

Who is the President of Maine?

Maine is a state in the United States of America, and has a governor. The current governor of Maine is Paul LaPage. (Rep). The President of the US is Barack Obama. There has never been a US president from Maine.

Where was Abraham Lincoln governor?

He was never a governor. He served in the Illinois state legislature and US House of Representatives before becoming President.

How long was John Hancock a president?

John Hancock was never a president. He was the governor of Massachusetts though, he died on his ninth term.

How did President Obama become governor of Illinois?

He was never the governor of Illinois. He was in the Illinois state senate for three terms, and then he became a U.S. senator.

Was Benjamin Franklin ever a Senator of Pennsylvania?

Yes he was-- but it doesn't mean what we think today. Back then, a "president" of Pennsylvania was the same as what we today would call a Governor. He was one of our Founding Fathers, but he was never a U.S. president.

What did Benjamin Franklin do as the president of the US?

Benjamin Franklin was never President of the U.S.; however, the was president of the Pennsylvania Executive Council, a position similar to governor today. He was also an inventor..