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because in the 1850s men believed that they were above wimen and that was also why wimen were unable to join the army

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Q: Why couldn't women vote in the 1850s?
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What was it like before women could vote in Australia?

woman couldnt vote

Why couldn't women vote in Athens?

Woman couldnt vote in Athens because, only people with land can vote. Woman couldnt own land, thus, not being allowed to vote :)

What right had women gained by the 1850s?

having the right to to vote

How was Susan B Anthony involved or afected by the voting rights issues?

she was a women so she couldnt vote

How did Susan B. Anthony help others?

She traveled across the country and made speeches about how women should be able to vote and why black men could and women couldnt. She was the reason the 19th amendment was created. She IS the reason women can vote.

Did Susan b Anthony help others?

She traveled across the country and made speeches about how women should be able to vote and why black men could and women couldnt. She was the reason the 19th amendment was created. She IS the reason women can vote.

What are the disadvantages of women rights movement?

that you couldnt vote because they thought you were dumber and you just cleaned and gave birth to the babies

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What could Florence Nightingale do that other women couldnt?

fist them

Can women vote in Namibia?

Yes namibia women can vote but htey have to be a certain age. But not all nambia women can vote>>>>><<<<< Yes namibia women can vote but htey have to be a certain age. But not all nambia women can vote>>>>><<<<<

Was the woman march after the constitution?

Without knowing the woman's march you are referring to I took a guess and looked up information on the women's suffrage movement which was for the woman's right to vote. This happened in the 1850s. The constitution was signed in 1787.

What if women couldnt vote?

Women would then be treated as second class citizens. Their opinions and needs would not be taken into consideration by lawmakers and politicians. Laws would then be self serving for men. If women couldn't vote, society's progress would be limited. Women make up more than half the world's population and they do over 70% of the world's work, while being paid only 20% of the income. This is because in many parts of the world the rights of women are not protected. Being able to vote and removing the many barriers against the progress of women is part of being able to take positivesteps towards fixing the situation.