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Germany lost because of its bad startagies they were for the short term and didnt help in the long run
Germany lost the first world war because all there stratagies were for the stort - term and most of them failed and they didnt think of the long term things that would actually help them. the kaiser was also blamed for it and the citisens blamed the kaiser because they were told that they were winning the war when they wernt. it came to a big shock to them when they finally heard that they lost the war.
Germany's bid to win World War II was thwarted for several reasons. Primarily, its industrial might, and thus its war-making capacity, was no match for the combined industrial and military might of its opponents. Also significant was its defeat in the battles of espionage and technology, where the Allies held significant advantages over Germany and its allies. Finally, the German leadership became greedy and careless both, thereby over-stretching its well-trained, highly effective army to such an extent that it was damaged beyond repair at the middle point of the war.
The Germans put too much money and resources into the concentration camps and didn't have the man power to fight the Eastern and Western fronts. They were slowly sandwiched in between American/English and Russian troops.
The Germans, lost the war to the Soviet Union as a result of their failure to invade Russia and annex it for Germany. However, you must understand that the Nazis didn't lose to the Russians overnight. The reason why the Soviets sucessfully invaded and sieged Germany was because at first, the Germans successfully invaded and sieged many parts of the Soviet Union when they began their invasion. So the Nazis losing the war, was a result of a diversion of invasions.
It all begans, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Red Army, (the Soviet Union's official military force) failed to repel the invasion. The Germans, had proper training, proper equipement and were completely prepared for war. But the Red Army on the other was the largest, but Stalin killed so many officers that the army could not fight back against the Nazis. The Red Army ended up getting pushed back, surrounded and/or captured, resulting in millions of Red Army POWS. They lost Smolensk, Minsk, Kiev, Mahilow, and Kharkiv to the Nazis in brutal and tragic battles. Eventually, the Red Army would get pushed back to Stalingrad. This, is where the German invasion would not pass. Because Stalingrad, was the last Soviet stronghold and Stalin ordered that many people die to protect Stalingrad from Nazi hands.
No matter how unequipped, the Red Army would not let Stalingrad, Leningrad or Moscow fall. Therefore, millions and millions of Soviet troops and civilians were killed in the battles of Stalingrad and Leningrad. Boatloads of Red Army recruits would enter Stalingrad via the Volga, many were unarmed because Stalin didn't have enough money to produce supplies and Soviet supply lines back in the western Soviet Union had been cut, taken over and sieged by Nazis. Also, many of the boatloads of Red Army recruits on the Volga were cut down by Luftwaffe. Civilians were used as militias and human shields against the Nazis. This is how desperate the Soviets were to keep Stalingrad, and the fighting remained for 2 years until the Nazis eventually gave up Stalingrad. Why? Because the Nazis became exhausted, overwhelmed and they ran out of ammunition. So they surrendered Stalingrad and Leningrad, millions of Nazis became POWs. So that is one reason, exhaustion.This is the same way that the Nazis eventually lost and gave up Leningrad and Moscow knowing they'd be hit with too much resistance.
One of the pivotal things, that made the Nazis lose was the harsh Russian weather. For Mother Nature had enough of the Nazis. The brutal terrain and Russian winters killed many of the Nazi troops because they were equipped with summer clothing and average winter clothing. Many Nazi supply lines and vehicles were cut down, allowing Red Army troops to surprise attack the Nazis. In Russia's warmer regions, it wasn't a day on the beach either. The Nazis had to deal with mudslides and muddy terrain. This jammed their motor vehicles and equipement. Many of the Nazis even had to abandon their vehicles and pray that there wasn't a group of Red Army soldiers waiting to attack. Their prayers, many times were not answered and they were ambushed and captured by Red Army troops. Making one of the war's first Soviet victories against the Nazis along with the victories in Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow.
The Nazi's failures to successfuly take the cities of Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow marked the beginning of their total destruction in Russia. Comparing sizes, Russia and Germany are not same. About 15 or more Germanys could fit into one Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was too big, eventually the Nazis just gave up a lot of them didn't even know where they were going anymore. The Red Army did not stop fighting the Nazis and they got pushed back all way into their homeland. The Soviets made the Germans pay, and the invasion was diverted. From the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union into the Soviet invasion of Nazi Germany.
The Soviets, did not play the "forgive" gave. The Nazi's failures due to the Russian weather gave Stalin time to remobilize and rebuild the Red Army in which he was successful, turning the Soviet Union into the new war machine. So now, the Germans are back into their homeland. The former Nazi territories, Poland, Hungary and Austria are now under Soviet hands. Marshall Georgy Zhukov, commanded this campaign. At first, the Nazis did manage to halt the Soviet advance into Nazi Germany for one day, a day of total nonstop firing. Until the Germans retreated, and from there; the Soviets pushed them back into their capital. While the Americans were on the western side of Germany fighting the Nazis there. The Soviets then captured Berlin, and did the exact same thing the Nazis did to Stalingrad. They reduced the city to rubble. This marked Germany's complete defeat and the Nazis finally surrendered.
Historians seem to agree that the German's lost WWII was their decision to invade the Soviet Union (USSR). At the outset of WWII, Germany & the USSR were allies in the sense that they allowed each other to do things that they would not face retaliation for. They had a pact that the Soviet Union could invade Finland without objection from Germany. Hitler saw the invasion as the perfect opportunity to attack the Soviets by first attacking neutral Norway then Denmark and then go after the Soviets. He was hoping for a win before the winter set in. Hitler also assumed that the people in the Soviet Union would not fight for Stalin. To the Soviets, it didn't matter whether it had support of the people but it was their strategy that confused the German troops and Hitler himself. In the path of Germany's armies were towns that were burnt down prior to their arrival. There was very little Germany could take. This forced them to fight in the Russian winter which is always known to be brutal, ask Napoleon Bonaparte (circa 1812). Germany entered the Soviet Union in 1941. By mid-1943, Germany was no longer able to defeat the Soviet Union, losing at Kursk. Hitler gambled and lost, losing a lot of his troops and weaponry battling the Soviets.
Another major factor in the lose of the war, as that Germany was battling it alone. The other major European power fighting with Hitler, Italy, overthrew Benito Mussolini in 1943, and Italy switched sides. Japan, the other axis power fighting with Germany, had no affect on the European stage.
After the German loss at Kursck, the Germans could not hold back the Soviets who were making a "V" line towards Berlin.
On the Western front, Britain the United States were also approaching Berlin starting with "D" Day in Normandy, France in 1944.
The Germans let them win. We felt sorry for the Brittish because they have such nasty teeth.
V-E day
disabled in order to destroy potential for war
Chandragupta Maurya
Theodore Roosevelt was defeated as a candidate for President when he formed the Progressive's Bull Moose Party in 1912.
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points plans were designed to check the Central Powers' continuation of the War and to inspire the Allies to victory. However, the treaty was not ratified by Congress, and France, Britain and Germany were more interested in regaining all of their territories, and grabbing more by punishing Germany.