John Hancock is probably one of the most famous of signatures on the Constitution. He wrote it so large according to many sources so that King George would be able to read it without the need to put on his spectacles and so that John Hancock's name would be easily recognizable as one of the founders of these Independent but United States of America. To this day you may still hear people say to "put your John Hancock" right here meaning to add your signature to something.
George Hancock - Virginia - was born in 1754.
When Hancock was buried he had on his finest rings. The grave robbers couldn't remove the rings from his hand so the simply cut off his entire hand.
A founder of the Untied States. John Hancock was one of the 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. His signature is the biggest so many will refer to dramatically signing a document as signing your Hancock, referencing the Declaration of Independence.
He knew too much about the british so he was wanted.
Hancock is an ufking nyucka. so no.
Hancock grossed $624,346,274 worldwide.
Hancock grossed $227,946,274 in the domestic market.
Jepanese drink not that much tea! I did a report on Japan!
The typical meaning for John Hancock is your signature. So when someone asks you for your "John Hancock" they are asking for your signature.
he had 4 dollars...
yes nicaraguans do drink lots of beer.
People in England/ Great Britain don't drink so much tea. This is just an American stereotype.
The words "John Hancock" are often used to describe the word "signature." When J. Hancock singed the Declaration of Independence, his was the largest sig. of them all. Hancock is best-remembered for his giant signature on the document, so that is why a signature is often called a "John Hancock."