Benedict Arnold became a traitor because he did not agree with America.He was a great general and will always be remembered.
Benedict Arnold was dissatisfied with his treatment by the Congress and other army officers, feeling he was not getting the recognition he deserved for his part in major battles, like the one at Saratoga. He then approached the British with a plan to turn over the American fort at West Point, New York to the British. West Point was extremely important to the colonists because it commanded the Hudson River and prevented British warships from sailing down from Canada and cutting the New England colonies off from the rest of the colonies. When the plan was found out, he escaped to England and became an officer in the British army. At Saratoga, Arnold had played a major role in the winning of the battle and was even wounded in the leg. Horatio Gates took the honors though. Later, a comment was made by colonial soldiers about Arnold to the effect that if they ever caught him,he would be hanged as a traitor but that the leg that was wounded at Saratoga would be cut off and buried with full military honors.
He was considered a traitor in 1779.
It is believed that Benedict Arnold was frustrated over his situation and not optimistic about the future of the US.
Although he was a very capable officer, he had been passed over for promotion several times and he had spent a large amount of his own money on the war effort. The British gave him a lump sum of over £6,000 as well as an annual pension of £360 for changing sides.
He did not have to go through a process or anything he made his move probably ibn the dark of night. Her evesdropped on the other side. Addition: After being wounded twice, not getting credit for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, the Battle of Valcour Island, and numerous skirmishes leading up to victory at Saratoga. Arnold was reprimanded by congress for his attitude towards his fellow officers due to this lack of recognition. His only friend was seemingly Washington, who himself was forced by Congress to reprimand Arnold. That was the last straw, when Arnold was assigned to (I think) Fort Knox, he made plans to turn it over to the British (it was said his wife was pro-British). His messenger was captured, his letters read, and the plot foiled. Henceforth; Benidict Arnold: The Traitor
He was planning to sell West Point, a crucial American fort, to the British for 20,000 pounds. However, his handler, Andre, was caught and ultimately executed. Releasing he would be caught, Arnold fled to the British army. After actually fighting for the British in a few battles he left America for London with his family.
He was secretly working with the British during the revolutionary war.
Because he was not promoted as a general in the Revolutionary War. That made him mad. Then the british offered him a general position. He decided to go to the British.
A traitor during the revolution was a person who abandon the side they were on and joined the other. For example Benedict Arnold was a traitor.
Benedict Arnold.
Benedict Arnold turned traitor and gave the British military information.
As far as history can tell us, it was Benedict Arnold.
Nathan Hale and Benedict Arnold
yes, he was a traitor, he went a long with Benedict Arnold who was a traitor
Benedict Arnold is very famous traitor.
A traitor during the revolution was a person who abandon the side they were on and joined the other. For example Benedict Arnold was a traitor.
No, he was not. Peggie Shippen, who became his second wife, actually influenced his decision to become a traitor.
Benedict Arnold, a British commander turned American traitor
The notorious Revolutionary War traitor is Benedict Arnold.
Benedict Arnold was in fact a TRAITOR.
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold
He became bitter !
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold ETC.