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The British, fresh from acquiring Canada from France, thought that they could exert their military might to retain the larger colonies on the American coast. The soldiers were a mix of conscripts and professional soldiers. The Hessians were soldiers drafted into service by their rulers in Germany, and were "rented out" to Britain.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Because slavery was on the way out in England. But, it was picking up in the Colonies where cotton was becoming more of a commodity. Even though the Revolution predates the cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney. Of course there was always the carrot on the end of the stick the British like to offer and that was not only freedom but land grants to go with it, if they were successful.

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10y ago

The reason why the African Amercians fought for the British is because a British official offered to free any slaves who fought for Great Britain.

I hope that helped! :)

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10y ago

The British told the slaves that if they fought for them, and they won the war, the British would grant them freedom.

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14y ago

they did this to protect their country

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Q: Why did slaves fight for the British and against the colonists?
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