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Between 25% to 35% of the American colonists wanted to remain with British rule, rather than rebel. Some had successful businesses while others were more patriotic to Britain than the U.S. Many whose jobs were determined by trade wanted to remain loyalists , because if the revolution was successful they knew they would be out of a job.

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Q: Why did some Americans become loyalists while other patriots?
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Some colonists loyalists who sided with Britain the other colonists were patriots who supported the right to independence?

The patriots were for independence. Those who were loyal to the king were called loyalists.

Did the patriots and loyalists get along?

they didn't like each other because of their conflicting views. the patriots wanted to break away from the king and the loyalists wanted to stay with the king.

How did life change for the loyalist and the patriots?

Loyalists were usually rich colonists and patriots were usually poorer colonists so they didn't treat each other fairly. Loyalists looked down upon Patriots as if they were happy with the king and Patriots needed freedom to get rid of all the British taxes. This caused a problem in the American Revolution because not all Americans were on the same side.

What rights did other loyalists take away from the patriots?

The British took away property.

Did the American Patriots fight each other in the war?

NO, they didnt but some called loyalists who where loyal to the British might have attacked the patriots.

What are names of patriots?

There are so many other names of patriots. Some of these names include loyalists, partisans, nationalists and compatriots among many other names that show loyalty.

What was the difference between the loyalists and the patriots?

The Loyalists were colonist who were loyal to England. They wanted to stay with England. The Patriots on the other hand were colonist who wanted to break away from England and be free and have their independence. (Fun Fact: Put 5,318,008 in a calculator. Then turn it upsides down :)

How did the Loyalists feel about the way they were treated by the Patriots?

They are not treated well at all. Some got their houses vandalized or burned. Others were beaten or got tar and feathered. ( That's when people striped others, poured hot tar on them and covered them in chicken feathers. Most people did not survive these.) After the war the Loyalists were kicked out of the country and went off to British Canada.

What did the patriots and the loyalists agreed mostly on?

Both groups thought that parliament was more then they could handle because of taxes. None of the two groups liked taxes and wanted to do away with them.But loyalists remained loyal to the king and did as they were told without arguments.As Patriots took a stand!

Neutralist debate questions for the Loyalists and the Patriots?

nothing because they don't like each other !

You are a loyalist in a patriot vs loyalist debate?

Patriots were those who supported the independence of the American colonies from the British Empire. Loyalists were loyal to the British crown. Roughly speaking, Patriots and Loyalists were each a third of the population, with the remaining third not taking a side. Conflicts between Patriots and Loyalists weren't just fought on the battlefield. Especially in the backcountry, old feuds were often continued between supporters of both sides. As is the case in any civil war, these conflicts were often brutal, with murders, arson, and other crimes perpetrated by both sides.

2 Compare and contrast the background of two groups of Americans those who became Loyalists and those who became Patriots?

"Patriots" are what the American soldiers called themselves during the American revolutionary War. This also referred to the roughly 1/3 population of the American Colonies who supported independence. "Loyalists", or "United Empire Loyalists" refers to the roughly 1/3 of the American colonial population that did not want to secede from British rule. They were loyal to the King, at this time, George III. !/3 of the American population didn't care one way or the other, as long as no one bothered them. At the end of the Revolutionary War, the loyalists either mixed with the general winning population to become typical Americans, or moved north, notably to Lower Ontario and Southern New Brunswick. The Province of New Brunswick even celebrates "Loyalist Days" every summer, and there is a historic site called "King's Landing", which is a recreation of a Loyalist village of the time when they began to arrive around 1783.