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because they wanted to

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Hunter Quitzon

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Landen Heaney

Lvl 13
1y ago

Over land and water rights.

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13y ago

A.) Necessity

  • running low on food and need to steal from a neighbour
  • need more arable land for food production
  • need some more slaves
  • need a fresh selection of women
  • need to enforce debt collection

B.) Amusement

  • keeping a standing army is a dangerous thing as they occasionally stage coups and revolts. So make them go fight somebody else before they start to get bright ideas
  • Its fun to be a conqueror.
  • Get to plunder and pillage and rape.

what a and b said is true but both fail to answer the why it really started as such in the first place, of which led to all of the above?

hint: supplier of .......?then think it out. from raymond

Competition predate the Sumerian States or even Human Beings. The competition for resources goes back through the history of animals and even plants to the very beginning of life.

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12y ago

They fought to give glory and to control more territory. (:

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12y ago

for food and water

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Q: Why did sumerian city states often go to war with one another?
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What did sumerian city-states often go to war with one another?

Sumerian City-States often fought over Land, Resources, and Water.

What did Sumerian city-state often go to war with one another?

Sumerian City-States often fought over Land, Resources, and Water.

Why did the sumerian city-states often go to war with one another?

They went to war to gain glory and control more teritory.

Why did Sumerian cystitis often go to war whit one another?

There is no record of Sumerian bladder inflammations fighting one another. The city states, on the other hand, battled to gain resources, territory, and prestige for their rulers.

Why was trade important to Sumerian city states?

what was trade important to sumerian city states

What was it the sumerian city- states shared?

The Sumerian city states shared language. This is a form of communication.

What did sumerian city states fight over?

Sumerian city-states fought over farmland

Why did Sumerian city-state often go to war with one another?

because they wanted to

How were sumerian states arranged?

Sumerian city-states were independent political entities centered around a city and its surrounding lands. Each city-state had its own ruler, government, and defensive walls for protection. They often engaged in alliances and conflicts with neighboring city-states.

What is the difference between Greek city states and Sumerian city states?

the city states

What are the city-states that made up the Sumerian empire?

The city-states that made up the Sumerian Empire were Nippur, Ur, Eridu, and Uruk

Why were Sumerian called city-states?

The Sumerian communities were called city states because there cities are so large that they are almost as large as a normal state but the are in dependent states.